May 08, 2002

I want to make this telephone list bigger than the world's largest ball of twine. How big is that, anyway? Let's find out.

Nate Patrin adds to the ever-growing list:

De La Soul, "Ring Ring Ring (Ha Ha Hey)" ("Hey, how ya doin'/sorry you can't get through/but if you leave your name, and your number/then I'll get back to you")

Ludacris, "Area Codes" (not that I'm a big fan of this song, but it counts)

Pink Floyd, "Young Lust" (this is that song that ends with all the operator talk and "we have a collect call from Mr. Floyd" stuff)

Indeep, "Last Night a DJ Saved My Life" ("called you on the phone, no one's home"- only a short mention, but it has phone ringing SFX)

Dead Kennedys, "Kinky Sex Makes the World Go Round" (trans-Atlantic war planning as phone sex)

A Tribe Called Quest, "Skypager" ("Conceptually, a pager is so complex/Cuz I be standin by the phone ready to flex")

Beck, "Death Is Coming To Get You" (Death does lots of nasty things, like "Throws frisbees with your records, pours blood on the walls/uses your telephone to make long-distance calls")

I wonder, does Gary Glitter have any phone songs? Or songs about internet sodomy?