May 02, 2002

Was talking to a friend the other day about how sometimes when we're really busy, self-involved, or mentally preoccupied with something, we sorta go off into our little cubbyholes, avoid people, just get into our own shit to an extreme that makes others feel alienated and neglected. I like to reach out to friends when I'm depressed; I'm not as antisocial as I like to pretend I am. But when I get into these states, I can only take so much, and it's not their fault if I spaz out or lapse into a morose funk. I try. You know. I try. But I like being alone; away from people; away from pushy, hypercritical, obnoxious jerks. Sometimes I need a day or two to recuperate from a nasty mood swing, a couple days where I put people's petty concerns on the back burner until I'm ready to deal with them. Leave those messages on the machine until I can handle a real conversation with someone. Leave e-mails unopened -- I don't wanna know. I don't wanna hear it. Go away. Leave 'em unanswered -- a better mood will yield a more polite response. Until then...