June 14, 2005

Today's mp3s are from Stiff Records' 1979 Akron Compilation, celebrating the best of you know what from you know where. Devo needed no help in this regard so naturally they're not on this, but lots of others are. The Waitresses and Rachel Sweet weren't famous yet ("famous," anyway), the Rubber City Rebels had yet to be produced by the Knack's Doug Fieger, and Chi Pig were many many years away from being featured on The Nomi Song's soundtrack. Some of these tracks are on the charming side of mediocre, which I mean as a compliment. All those '70s also-ran bands you hear on comps like this have a very dated quasi-commercial (but poorly produced) powerpop-punk sound, with songs that aren't quite as well-written as they're striving to be. (This is a hallmark of Stiff releases in general, with a few obvious exceptions.) That said, here are two that really grab me.

Chi Pig - "Apu-Api (Help Me)"
Jane Aire & the Belvederes - "I'm an Actress"


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