November 27, 2003

Spankaroo weighs in on where to find "the best dang burger in New York City." My theory's always been that the best burgers here aren't to be found in restaurants -- they're all in the pubs. Spankaroo seems to agree. Not surprisingly, Corner Bistro comes out on top.

November 24, 2003

just noticed something: nowhere on the perdue oven stuffer roaster packaging does the word chicken appear. (it's on the perdue web site though.)

November 16, 2003

(courtesy of my pal Teeny) "100 of the world's most celebrated artists chose their favorite musicians and created The Greatest Album Covers That Never Were." Some are awesome, while others just look like late '90s Cleopatra Records comeback-album rushjob art.

Also, NPR gets you laid. Not by me, but I offer this link as consolation.

November 13, 2003

choose your own ny. when come back bring pizza.

November 08, 2003

some photos from the vegas trip, if you haven't already seen 'em. i took these.

November 06, 2003 goes in search of the perfect pork martini. Ideal for a leisurely game of Pass the Pigs!